Alternate post titles include: "How to stay sane in a Ginormous family" & "How to not feel guilty anymore..."
As a newlywed I find it incredibly difficult to keep up with everyone's birthday, both my peeps and his. (If I am really honest with myself, it was difficult before the nuptials. ) It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to keep all the days of birth straight in my head, I managed to miss 1 or 2 each month (or have an ridiculously unpredictable phone which keeps me from getting in touch with a certain birthday girl), leaving me dramatically apologetic and frustrated. Thus arrived the birthday calendar...
No, this is not an earth shatteringly ingenious creation of mine, but it also wasn't just as simply as buying a wall calendar either. It had to meet certain criteria...
1. Reusable. As is I didn't want to have to re-write everyone's birthday every time the calendar year changed.
2. Attractive. No offense to any of you animal, flower, landscape, loving calendar people out there, but I just couldn't see spending money on something I didn't even like and I knew I would want to keep out of plain site (which actually defeats the point of a reminder calendar in the first place).
3. Easily Alterable. I needed to be able to add (and subtract, i guess?) birthdays each year as we acquired more little ones into the fam/ new friends
So here's what I came up with...
I made it on the computer just using Microsoft Office, a cute font, and some ivory card stock. I did it month by month, so that I will be able to re-use it every year. (Reusable: Check) It's also as simply as opening up the word document to add new birthdays. (Easily Alterable: Check).
I wanted to display it in a cute way, so I took a standard white picture album and removed all the guts. I then wrapped the existing cardboard in some inexpensive burlap fabric and put it back together. Using a nail, I poked a hole through the 2 places where I wanted it to hang, all the way through the back of the frame. I then was able to easily screw in to coffee cup hangers and attach the calendar.
I still didn't think it was finished, so I added a few rosettes made of ribbon and some linen like fabric. (Attractive: check).
You are welcome to use my template and altar it to fit your own birthdays. Just email me at, and I will send it to you!!
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