So tomorrow is the BIG day! We found out pink or blue! I am beyond excited and a whole lot nervous. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be unable to sleep tonight, especially considering the fact that I have been frantically cleaning all day to prepare for the arrival of the estrogen clan (aka. sister, mother, and grandmother) coming to be at the sonogram appointment tomorrow. Needless to say Adam will be waaaaay outnumbered temporarily.
Many people have asked me what my "hunch" is about the sex of our little nugget (as we affectionately refer to him/her as). Not to sound cliche, but I really don't care. I just want a healthy child. I have driven myself crazy wondering if everything is going well, if nugget is growing, if there are any problems. After all it has been 4 weeks since I last heard the heartbeat and without any noticeable movement and the -7 pound weight gain overall, it's a little scary. We are laying it all in God's hands though, trusting that He will give us only what we can handle. Such a faith building time for me and the hubs, but we are full of excitement and anticipation.We would certainly appreciated your prayers as we head to the doctor tomorrow at 4:00 pm.
Oh and P.S. Please don't be offended if you receive a mass text message to share the exciting news. There are so many people dying to know, that I just don't know if I'll have the time to call everyone individually with company in town. Please know that you are both important and loved by us, and we are both so excited to have you as part of Nuggett's life!!
How Far Along: I'm 18 weeks along
Due Date: November 2nd, 2011
Size of Baby: Baby Kizziah is about the size of a turnip?? (Anyone else think it's strange that they use food as a point of reference. I'm not even sure what a turnip looks like). Nugget weighs about 5 ounces and is 5 inches long.
Maternity Clothes: Still squeezing into my regular clothes! I must admit the jeans are getting a little snugger these days!
Gender: Tomorrow, Tomorrow!! Yay!!
Movement: I'm not sure. Sometimes I think I might feel something, and other times not? At this point there is no consistent and noticeable movement, but I'm hoping for that soon.
Sleep: Still sleeping well and cherishing the time I have left to sleep on my stomach.
What I miss: Liking food, a predictable bladder, and ADVIL!!
Cravings: I really don't like food too much these days, but when I am hungry I definitely crave/need meat.
Symptoms: Nausea has subsided a little bit, though a bout with the stomach virus last week hasn't helped matters much. I am still having pretty bad head aches, and I never can seem to drink enough fluids. I have regained a little bit of energy...No nap today!! Hooray!!
Best moment: Celebrating our first anniversary with absolutely NO pressure about when to have a baby :) ha ha!
**I'll try to snap an 18 week picture and post tomorrow with the gender news. It proves to be quite complicated to take pictures of your own belly, and Adam never seems to be home when I get the urge to blog**