Monday, March 28, 2011

Meet Max!

I made it home with our new puppy!! He did fantastic, even on the airplane. Never even made a peep. He already sleeps through the night in his kennel and hasn't had a single accident yet. We feel really lucky to have such a good pup, especially since we got him so unexpectedly. So cue the gratuitous puppy pics. Feel free to skip this post if you're able to resist this adorable face. Meet Max everybody...

I Love my chew toy!!! 
How can you resist that face?!?!
I've already learned that the bed is my favorite snuggling spot!!
I especially like to bury my face under the covers and sleep like a human.

And here he is playing with his rope. He LOOOOOVES it..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our New Addition...

Look who is coming home with us this coming weekend....

He's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that my grandfather surprised me with. He got her from a friend of his who is a breeder. You can see her website here. I'm going to pick him up on Friday!! Name still any ideas?? Here's one more look...

Here's hoping Macy doesn't try to eat him :) It's definitely gonna be an adjustment for our little queeny...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's For Dinner?

As a newlywed wife coming straight off a ramen noodle and cereal diet in college, the task of preparing dinner for my food-lovin husband was more than a little scary for me. Add that fear on top of my OCD personality and we were left with quite a dilemma. My solution? A menu board. A way for me to stay organize, grocery shop efficiently, and please the hubby's belly. I knew that I needed a plan for the week, I wanted Adam's input on the meals, and I needed a way to stay organized with all the details of meal planning such as remembering to pull out the frozen chicken to de-thaw while I'm still in my 5am coma,  and actually turning on the crock-pot once you have placed items in it, etc.  (Holy run-on sentence!! ) 
Here's what I came up with...

I designed this little baby using binder clips, an old canvas (flipped over), some ribbon, card stock, and some index cards. All things I had lying around the house, which is a major plus. It sits on our kitchen counter, where I can glance at it every day before I leave for work.

We choose our meals on Sunday out of my recipe books, I write the meal down on strips of index cards and attach them to the day of the week, I then pull the recipes from by cookbooks and place them in the "Recipe" folder to be easily accessible during the week while I'm brewing up our supper.

So far this system has saved me lots of headaches and helped me to feel quite productive in the kitchen. It also gives Adam a lot of input, since he does have to eat the crap food delights I prepare. Though we don't always stick perfectly to the menu, I always know what ingredients I have on hand and can cook on the weekend if we happened to skip it during the week. I am going to start posting some of my favorite recipes soon, but to keep you satisfied, here are a list of websites I frequent to gather recipe inspiration from...

So do you keep meals organized somehow? Bon Apetit! Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Face Lift...

For 10 months now, I have been looking at this eye sore...

 And a close up...

Isn't she pretty? I think NOT! The hubs and I finally decided to give our front flower bed a major overhaul. Through lots of potting soil, mulch, and a few hours at our local nursery, we ended up with a lovely and welcoming entrance to casa Kizziah. See for yourself...

I must confess I did very little of the work. I mostly just bossed him around supervised the project, while Adam did all of the manual labor. I'm so lucky, right? We decided to go with Aztec grass along the front, Japanese dwarf mock orange bushes staggered in the middle, and finally Red ties along the back. I love all the contrasting colors and how it frames the front of the house without covering up the front windows and seating area. I also love that all of these plants are year-round bloomers and don't need to be re-planted every year or covered in the winter. Major plus for this girl with absolutely no green thumb! A close up shot....

So there you have it...some brand new landscaping. Here's to hoping I'll be a little more diligent about blog posting in March!!